Health Advisory: Outbreak of 2019 Novel Corona Virus from Wuhan, China

In the recent incidents from Wuhan China, CDC will begin screening travelers on direct and indirect flights from Wuhan to John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK). Dr Li Zheng, MD suggest during this time. Wear a mask whenever you go, always wash hands, if you have a fever, trouble to breathe, you should see your primary care doctor immediately.

We recommend everyone stay on high alert in this period. Especially the Chinese New Year is coming up.


An outbreak of pneumonia of unknown etiology in Wuhan City, as of today the virus has caused 6 death in the city of Wuhan, and over 300 patients have the virus.

This notice is from CDC (Center of Disease Control) Reference: 

In case of any symptom, please call us: 718-463-3838 or book an appointment online, we are open 7 days a week from 9am to 5pm

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